Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Christian Wins!!!

It's over! Congrats, Christian! I was looking for a picture of the little fabulous winner for this final blog, but what I came across instead was this good-bye pose from Heidi. Thanks for bringing sexy back, Heidi.

Til next season!!....

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

We Have a Winner

Well, this is a bit anti-climatic but... Tyler and I just did the numbers, and it appears that regardless of next week's winner, our League winner is....


Congrats, Brad! What will you do with your winnings?!

Here's how this works out:

These are the points (that matter) at this juncture:

Tyler: 7
Scott E: 18
Brad: 21
Liz: 10

Of these:
Scott and Brad's "overall pick" was Christian
Tyler and Liz's "overall pick" was Jillian
(No one chose Rami). So- if your pick is chosen next week, you receive 10 extra points. Regardless of who wins these additional 10 points, Brad will still have the highest score. And even if Rami happens to win, and no one gets these extra points, Brad will still have the high score!

Hope this makes sense! And... even though this aspect of the show is over for us, hopefully we're still in for plenty of drama at Bryant Park!

Enjoy the finale, and congrats Brad!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Headed for Bryant Park!?

Oh, the drama!! Who will be the third to go to Bryant Park?! You never know what to expect with those crazy judges...

The scores are altered tonight based on the usual scoring system plus:

Scott E. and Brad voted for Christian from the start so they get 5 extra points

Tyler and Liz voted for Jillian from the start so they get 5 extra points too!

And perhaps others will get 5 more, depending on who wins the show-down between Rami and Chris. Speaking of which... who do you think will make it to fashion week? If you can believe it, I've set up a poll so you can share your thoughts!...

So, here are the scores! :

21 points: Brad
19 points: Erin
18 points: Scott E.
16 points: Shana
12 points: Lisa, Christy, Scott S.
10 points: Liz
8 points: Cheryl, Virginia
7 points: Tyler
2 points: Diana/April

And remember, 10 extra points if your initial pick takes the cake!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Episode 11 Picks

Oh my goodness, we are getting very near the end!! Here are your picks out of the 5 remaining designers:

Chris: no votes
Christian: Cheryl, Erin & Brad
Jillian: Lisa, Shana, Tyler, Scott E., Virginia & Christy
Rami: Scott S. & Diana/April
Sweet P: Liz

Enjoy the show!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Like the Pope in a Sex Club

WTF? Ricky is off and not one tear?!? Has he lost his passion for design?

Anyway... fun show! Those WWE Divas were sexy-rexy!! Do tell: which of those outfits would you wear?? Check them out below for a reminder and then vote in the poll!

Here are the latest and greatest scores...

1 point: Tyler, Diana/April
5 points: Cheryl
7 points: Virginia
8 points: Liz
11 points: Lisa, Christy, Scott S.
12 points: Scott E.
13 points: Brad
15 points: Shana
16 points: Erin

Only 5 designers left!! Who will you choose for next week???

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Episode 10 bets

Here they are for tonight's show... hope it's a good one!

Chris: Liz
Christian: Cheryl, Virginia, Erin, Brad, Diana/April
Jillian: Tyler
Rami: Scott E., Christy, Scott S.
Sweet P: Lisa, Shana

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ricky Wins... And Tears Flow

Wow!! Go Ricky! Definitely did not see that one coming. And next week looks like it may be a sultry one, so perhaps he'll be given yet another chance to shine. Here are the scores... they are definitely becoming more and more interesting as there are fewer and fewer designers left:

15 points: Erin
14 points: Shana
12 points: Brad
11 points: Scott E.
10 points: Lisa, Christy, Scott S.
6 points: Virginia
5 points: Liz
4 points: Cheryl
0 points: Tyler, Diana/April

p.s. Heidi Klum is so freaking pretty, it's sick. At least in my opinion. And I'm the one writing, so what I say goes (!)